What is Foliar Feeding/Fertilization?

Foliar feeding or foliar fertilizing is a method of applying nutrients directly to a plant’s leaves. This is done by diluting a fertilizer in water and spraying it onto the plant’s foliage. The nutrients are then absorbed through the leaves and transported to the rest of the plant.

Foliar feeding is often used to supplement a plant’s nutrition when there are deficiencies in the soil or when the plant is under stress. It is also a way to provide quick, targeted nutrition to a plant without waiting for it to be taken up through the roots.

The nutrients that can be applied through foliar feeding include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and manganese. However, it is important to note that not all nutrients can be effectively absorbed through the leaves, and some may even cause damage to the plant if applied in high concentrations.

Foliar feeding should be done during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to avoid burning the leaves. It is also important to use a fine mist spray to ensure even coverage of the leaves, and to avoid spraying the solution in direct sunlight or windy conditions.


Overall, foliar feeding can be a useful tool for plant care, but it should be used in conjunction with proper soil nutrition and watering practices, and with careful attention to the specific needs of the plant being treated.

Other Resources

For additional in depth information, check out this article from TheGrowingLeaf.